Tips for Sharpening PCD Diamond Inserts

26 May 2024
PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond) diamond inserts are renowned in CNC grinder tools for their exceptional wear resistance, high hardness, and superior processing performance. 
Sharpening these blades is a technical task that requires extensive experience and refined skills. Moresuperhard provides practical suggestions and feasible solutions for PCD diamond blade grinding, which we hope will be beneficial to you.
Understand the Characteristics of PCD Diamond Inserts
1. High Hardness and Wear Resistance: PCD diamond blades exhibit superior hardness and wear resistance compared to other tool materials, making them ideal for high-speed, high-precision processing.
2. Low Friction Coefficient: This reduces cutting force and temperature, enhancing processing efficiency.
3. Sharp Edge: The sharpness of PCD blades ensures high-precision and high-quality cutting.
4. High Thermal Conductivity: Efficiently conducts cutting heat, preventing thermal damage to the blade.
5. Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient: Offers high dimensional stability and improved processing accuracy.
6. High Impact Toughness: Capable of withstanding significant cutting and impact forces, extending tool life.
Additionally, the good conductive properties of PCD diamond blades make them suitable for wire cutting or EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining), a feature that other diamond types cannot replicate.
PCD tools
Select Appropriate Grinding Tools and Parameters
1. Grinding Machine Selection: Choose a stable and high-precision grinding machine to ensure the spindle accuracy, grinding wheel speed, and feed speed meet the requirements for PCD blade grinding.
2. Grinding Wheel Selection: Select the appropriate type and particle size of the grinding wheel based on the PCD blade material and wear. Diamond grinding wheels are the ideal choice.
3. Use of Coolant: Proper use of coolant effectively lowers blade temperature and reduces thermal damage, ensuring adequate supply during grinding.
Master Grinding Skills
1. Control Grinding Depth: Maintain the grinding depth within a specific range to avoid blade damage from excessive grinding. Adjust the machine's feed speed and grinding wheel particle size accordingly.
2. Uniform Grinding: Ensure all parts of the blade are evenly ground to avoid uneven edges by adjusting the grinder’s angle and position.
3. Follow a Grinding Sequence: Grind the severely worn parts first, then transition to other areas based on the blade's wear condition.
Grinding PCD Tools
Inspection and Adjustment After Grinding
Post-grinding inspection and adjustment are crucial to ensure optimal blade performance, prevent potential issues, and maintain processing stability and efficiency.
1. Appearance Inspection: Check for cracks, chipping, or other damage, focusing on edges and corners.
2. Edge Inspection: Use magnification tools to inspect the edge for smoothness and absence of burrs or unevenness. Address any defects with further grinding or adjustment.
3. Dimensional Measurement: Use micrometers or optical projectors to measure blade size and angle, ensuring compliance with processing requirements.
4. Performance Test: Test the blade's performance in actual processing, observing cutting effect, force, and temperature. Adjust grinding parameters or replace the grinding wheel if performance is subpar.
5. Balance Inspection: Ensure the high-speed rotating blade is balanced using a dynamic balancing machine. Adjust or correct any imbalance detected.
6. Recording and Feedback: Document blade information after each grinding session, including parameters, inspection results, and performance. Analyze issues and improvements, providing feedback to the workshop to adjust the grinding plan as needed.
PCD milling tools
Feasibility Solutions
1. Develop a Grinding Plan: Create a reasonable plan based on processing volume and usage to ensure optimal blade performance, allowing sufficient grinding time to prevent quality degradation.
2. Training and Skill Improvement: Enhance training and technical skills of CNC grinder operators. Encourage regular technical exchanges and experience sharing to elevate the team's proficiency.
3. Establish Grinding Records: Maintain detailed records of each grinding session to continuously optimize the process and parameter settings, improving efficiency and quality.
By selecting appropriate grinding tools and parameters, mastering necessary skills, and formulating effective grinding and technology improvement plans, the grinding effect and service life of PCD diamond blades can be significantly enhanced.
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